It has been far too long…

Transitions. They are good, they are bad, they are happy, they are sad, I rhyme. As ridiculous as that last sentence was, it’s true. When we make a decision to transition into something, be it a new job, house, or town, we are first and foremost moving forward because it is going to bring about a positive change and most likely we will be leaving behind negative stressors in some form or another.

As exciting as the idea of something new is, I will always have those tugging emotions, that little angel on my right shoulder, and devil on my left… The angel is sitting there keeping me happy and positive and exciting me about all of the new things I’m going to do and everything that I am looking forward to. But then the devil, and I don’t look at him as an evil devil, I guess not really a devil at all. He’s more of the sad little child in all of us saying, “but wait! what about…?”. There is always going to be something we have to leave behind, whether it is a person, an object, an apartment, a car, whatever. The point is, not everything can come with you.

I am in the process of transitioning, my Mother and Father are in the process of transitioning, and my Sister is in the process of transitioning. Oddly enough the transitions aren’t fully related, and they mean something different to each of us. All I know is, it’s going to be fine. We are going to make it, even though life gets really hard, we are still standing here. Maybe that is all we need to do. Look back on those tough decisions we made in the past and how troubled we were when we were making them, and sometimes how crushed we were by their weight. But then flash forward to this very second, and you realize, you are still standing.